The project aimed to support Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Marneuli, Rustavi, and Kutaisi municipalities in strengthening Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) and performance management capacities, integrating Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) principles.
In the initial phase of the project, a comprehensive Training Needs Assessment (TNA) was conducted, on the basis of which individual professional development plans were created, relevant trainings were carried out and a two-year action plan was prepared to support each municipality to address challenges in human resource management. Additionally, a GESI-sensitive internship policy was developed and integrated into the City Halls and Sakrebulos of the target municipalities, drawing on best international practices and aligning with the national regulatory framework.
The project also included an inter-municipal cooperation where municipal employees were able to share information on their human resource management practices and discuss future cooperation opportunities.
Capacity Assessment of the Agency of Protected Areas and the overall Protected Areas System in Georgia
Digital and Physical Sales Strategy Development Project for Bakur Sulakauri Publishing LTD
Study on current crisis management practice in selected municipalities of Georgia, elaboration of respective recommendations and guideline
Research in 11 selected municipalities to examine social service and assistance process during the COVID-19 pandemic
Program Exit Strategy for PROCEED Project implemented by HEKS-EPER and ELKANA within the framework of ENPARD program
Labor Market Research on the necessity of the food safety and quality specialist/managers in food production industry
Research of Labor market and identification of growth potential economic sectors
Promotion of good CG, ESG and SF practices among companies and financial institutions in Georgia
Feasibility Study of Pesticide-Free Certification
Ex-ante Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for improvement of inter-city connections in Georgia
Institutional Development and Communication Strategy for the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara
EWMI’s Civil Society Engagement Project (CSEP) Launch Event
Analysis of Infrastructural Developments in the South Caucasus